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Image by Rebe Adelaida


Repatriation of Remains Benefit

ARREVA's Essence and Premium memberships include benefits to cover costs associated with the repatriation of remains. Whether an individual passes because of a covered illness or injury that leads to death, this benefit helps them get home.


Repatriation benefits include:

  • Coordination with government officials to arrange authorizations, services, and approvals for transport.

  • Removal and transportation of the body to medical facilities, the coroner, and the airport.

  • Coordination with the local authorities on the post-mortem exam.

  • Air and ground shipping expenses for the deceased.

  • A coffin or appropriate container to transport the remains.

Image by Leio McLaren


By including repatriation benefits, ARREVA memberships help provide needed assistance for friends and family left behind. In this unfortunate event, this benefit can relieve the unnecessary financial burden and the logistical complexities it takes to bring a loved one home.


Some benefits of repatriation of remains include:


  • Financial help: While the costs of repatriation of remains are dependent on the country and situation, they are usually expensive. Incurring these expenses at one of the most inconvenient times makes dealing with a loss even harder. Most insurance plans offer enough coverage for all costs. At ARREVA, we cover up to $250,000 for travelers more than 300 miles from home.


  • Coordination of services: ARREVA will help coordinate all aspects of the repatriation process. A dedicated case manager with expertise in handling the logistics will be involved and available to loved ones so all parties have strong communication. ARREVA's experienced case managers consist of highly qualified professionals who will provide compassionate and efficient service.

Image by Cristina Gottardi


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